Friday, May 13, 2005


Introducing Theometry

In the beginning was the Word...
John 1:1

In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. And the earth was without form and void; and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the waters. And God said, Let there be light; and there was light.
Genesis 1:1-3

A evolutionary disruption has been unfolding this past one hundred and fifty or so years, but it has been present in our collective genetic make up since the beginning of time, which is the beginning that has no beginning.

The mystics have voiced the collective yearning present in the co-vibrating souls of humanity since before the beginning of collective history. Yet according to the Great Mystics we today call Scientists, the span of written human history is the but the merest fragment of the History of Time itself.

What does this have to do with Theometry? What is Theometry? And why should you care?

The title of this new science is an intential paradox, an oxymoron, a joke. Humor is an essential part of our evolution and the presence of this pun will help initiate you into the thoughts and experiences of this new Science. And Theometry can help you navigate the turbulent changes of this fantastic time we live in as we experience changes that will only continue and accelerate.

The greek roots of Theometry are commonly known in the words Theology and Geometry. The prefix Theo stands for the Divine, or God. The suffix "Metry" or "Metrics" stands for measurement. So Theometry stands for the measurement of God.

The idea of measuring God is patently Absurd. It's almost like asking if God is 100 feet tall. Approach any theologian worth their salt, and they would laugh at this term. Theologians speak about God as the immeasurable, the undefinable. You can measure the earth, compute its mass, its radius. But can you measure God? Hey Fred, can you get me a quart of God from the supermarket. It's practically a profanity.

Yet the primary thesis of Theometry is that all points of Consciousness by their nature attempt to measure God and get closer to the Ultimate Divine.

What Theometry does is attempt to model the constant God measurement of consciousness in all its manifest forms we can observe in creation and in ourselves, in a unifying language that embraces the value of Religion, Politics, as well as Science. And even more importantly, it embraces the language of the Arts. The divisions of these different endeavors may have been useful in the past, but they are now inadequate. We need a true common language. And the only approach to this common language that is possible is through a proper appreciation and meditation on God as the Source of all that is, but not as a remote absent Father God -- but as an immediate and practical presence as the source point of all consciousness and existence. A Theometric approach offers this, in a way I hope to show is more comprehensive by definition than any other system.

He drew a circle that shut me out --
Heretic, rebel, a thing to flout.

But Love and I had the wit to win
We drew a circle that took him in!
-- Edwin Markham

Walk the shelves of the Science sections of any major bookstore, and you will find many titles with God in it. This is a sign of our age, and if you walk away with anything else, I hope you will come with the awareness that the conflicts between the Scientific outlook and the Religious outlook are outmoded on both sides. And I hope to show that there is an easy way to see how they connect.

To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower,
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.

- William Blake

All our scientific understanding, all our collective wisdom, everything we know comes to us through communication. Our brains process information and produce pictures of the world. This is the study of language, linguistics, logic, and mathematics. The computer revolution has megacharged this process, one that was more confined to the Ivory Towers of Universities and Monastaries. Come, let us reason together for a moment about the nature of Language and the study of symbols. Communication is something we do all the time. People talk about their experiences, share them through paintings, through acting. None of these representations are the same thing as the actual original experience itself. There is a famous statement, the Map is not the Territory. It is in Gregory Bateson's work, and was a foundation of the Science of General Semantics.

There is a piece of art by Magrite, "C'est ci pas une Pipe". This is not a pipe. It's a painting of a pipe! Yet we are trained to equate the symbols with the actual objects from the time we are children and our parents show us pictures of objects and ask what they "are".

Language, when employed successfully, enables the recipient to recreate internally the experience of the speaker. Life is truly experiential, and so is our presence in the Cosmos.

Perhaps the first tenet of Theometry was best stated by Lao Tsu, when he wrote millenia ago "The Way that can be spoken is not the True Way."

TENET NUMBER 1: Theometry is fiction, it is representational art.

Theometry is only a story of the universe. And Theometry recognizes that so are all other theories. Theometry is not "reality", and the true reality can't be captured in a theory anyway. It does not an attempt to be the final say. In fact, Theometry is an Open Source system, a system which anyone can take and alter. This was one of the revolutionary things about Science as it is currently practiced, when it started it's process of overthrowing the dogmatic Church Hierarchies which allowed one to publish any conflicting stories about the universe that clashed with their own. We must have only one story, and that story is owned by the Church. If you deviate, you are a heretic. Let's go easy on that one, and recognize, it's all just a story! But that's no small thing.

Think back to a primitive experience, sitting with your fellow tribe members around the fire at night, telling stories, dancing by the fire, listening to song and music. These experiences are so primal that nearly everyone has warm memories of sitting by the campfire telling stories, singing songs, or even just telling jokes. It is a primal need. Thus we have the second tenet.

TENET NUMBER 2: Fiction and Representational Art is how we Dance with the Universe to experience more of the Divine.

This tenet perhaps should have a more formal equation making it dry and devoid of life and emotion, and at some point I will write a more formal and concise expression, but this has more poetry to it. The Divine is simply a concept of value, maximizing value, good, God, or however one wants to express it. But a better Dance brings us more in alignment with that experience of the Whole.

This raises a lot of questions about a formulation for our own beings, of space, of time. Any comprehensive theory must do so, and Theometry does so simply through introspection and meditation on the discoveries of scientists and the thoughts of the mystics. Descartes said "I think therefore I am", and he built a wonderful philosophy around it. He did most of his work in bed. Many have joked, "I drink therefore I am", "I dance therefore I am." Others define their being more broadly than thinking, and I think we should use the broadest form we can, and merely say Consciousness.

TENET NUMBER 3: The Universe is a Field of Creation, an unbounded Canvas of infinite dimension.

This makes God the greatest artist. We are created in God's image. Another possible interpretation is that we are created in God's imagination. Our conceptions and models of reality have been said to create our reality. Our reality many would say is merely our own story. By revising our model, we can create a better story. By recognizing we are merely players in the Divine Play of the Cosmos written by the Master Author, God, it makes it clear that our stories are the most wonderful and interesting when we bring them closer into alignment with the greater story. The next tenet speaks to how we do that.

TENET NUMBER 4: God's Consciousness, as the Author of All That Is, is present in all Points of his Creation. Even empty space is filled with His Presence.

This is a common awareness of theologians that say that God is omnipresent. But Theometry proposes a more elaborage way of looking at this story of God, and helping us be aware of God's full presence in our own stories.

TENET NUMBER 5: God's Consciousness can best be understood as the Union of All Points in the infinite unbounded canvas of Creation.

A union of any two points in the field of Creation creates a better view. For example, it is through two eyes that a two dimensional picture of our world can be translated into three dimensions.

TENET NUMBER 6: The more we unify with other Points of Creation, the greater our experience of the creator. The only true process of unification is Unconditional Love.

This is happening everywhere today and at a faster and faster pace through the Internet. The more we can love and connect, the greater this experience will be. What proceeds from these tenets will be greater unifications of our communicated experiences, to create a Global Viewpoint. The Mind of Christ, or Christ Consciousness. But the mechanics of it will evolve through languages. A vital area of the development of human language is in the Open Source movement, and in the field of Computers. All our theories and experiences and stories are vital and needed for the true World Story. We must connect more with each others lives, share and publish our stories, and enable our stories to connect through love, through compassion. And through this process, we will enable more of God's love to come through us. Theometry really is the Science of the Love of God!

More to come....

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